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학술발표문, 참고문서

제5회 유럽 심장학회 학술세미나 논문(New Health 9000)

페이지 정보

작성자 Saeik Medical 작성일17-11-07 17:33 조회14,066회 댓글0건



5th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations 

Study product : Neo Health 9000

Abstract— The pulsating electrostatic fields as treatment (PEFT) for increasing the rest energy expenditure is a recent technique. The effects of a magnetic field externally applied to human body have been previously studied and have been suggested to be correlated to changes in the microvasculature.
Our hypothesis was that PEFT might affect the vascular smooth muscle cell activity inducing changes in oscillatory blood flowpatterns. Therefore, the present study was carried out to evaluate the effects of PEFT on skin blood flow oscillations, assessed by laser Doppler perfusion monitoring (LDPM).
The observations were carried out ten female volunteers (range:25-45 years old), with a body mass index more than 30 Kg/m2. The volunteers were submitted to PEFT. The treatment was carried out three times a week, for 30 min, for a total of 12 exposures. PEFT was performed by a New Health 9000 device,
generating a negative pulsating electrostatic field (frequency: 50Hz; field intensity 2-9 kV). The oscillations in skin blood flowwere filtered by smoothing spline and wavelet transform and analyzed by computer assisted methods ( Fourier analysis).
At the end of last treatment each patient had an increase in microvascular blood flow accompanied by a significant rise in transcutaneous oxygen pressure. Moreover, the power spectrum density resulted significatively enhanced compared with baseline values. In conclusions, PEFT increased cutaneous blood
flow, stimulating vascular smooth cell activity and causing arteriolar vasomotion. This arteriolar activity was able to induce the higher capillary red blood cell velocity and the relevant oxygen consuption. 

Saeik Medical Co., Ltd.
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